Wednesday, September 11, 2013

and now for your moment of Zen.

I will let you in on why i called this 'y kant men sew'

total joke on a horrific late 80's band with a promising young singer
y kant tori read fronted someone named Tori Amos

that is all

quilting you say

Started working on my first quilt. 
Tons of old work shirts. Many record moments in the sites I have worked at. 
Figure I'lll make 4x6' panels and donate them to work for more decoration.

Tonight's lessons 
press it everything a few times. this was Not a corner to cut. 
Remember your outside seam allowance. Looks like this will get a boarder.

really want to get the gayglers panel  done before ATL pride so I can include the 4 shirts over the last 6 years

This was from the Moncks Corner, SC grand opening. Had a fun few years up there building the sites 

and a shot of my messy sewing room

Saturday, August 24, 2013

sewing room overhaul

Dear reader (the one of you)

I recently was able to pickup 2 industrial machines from a friend

a singer 251-1 straigh stitch machine and a singer blind stitch machine

the 251-1 is somewhat limited. it does lightweight fabric with a max width of 3/8"
the blindsticth was thrown in,

I figure they are a good start to start learning industrial machines skills

this required more space so the 41 x 91" confrence / cutting table had to go.

natualrly i took the opertunity to make the cutting the table i always wanted
1 sheet of 3/4" MDF
3 9x9 cubbies
4 locking casters

its 4 square feet of bliss at a great standing height

mock up of the table

mounted 4 casters in the corners

mounted the cabinets to the base

another view

the top is mounted and its rolled to its normal place

in the end i'm happy with it and can't wait to break it in